
Perspective Question for Today:

Here are my response from the Blumenstock article

With technology advancing, more and more people now have access to mobile devices. It’s easier to find somone with an internet accessable mobile phone than to find someone that does not have one. While the advancment of technology has made out life easier, so are access to data use history. Datas are tracked the moment you turned on your device, you location, the web page you’re on, how long you’ve been on it, and someone may be seeing this without you knowing. We don’t know where these informations can end up in or what one might do with it. Business uses these data to make conclusions on their customers, this is why you after you have browesed a shopping website, you then see their advertisment on your Facebook page. This is all done by data tracking, business uses them to track their potential customers.

Are your datas simply used for just business purpose? The answer to that question is no. These data can end up in hackers hand, and be sold to we don’t know who. What they will do with these datas they collected from you are unknown. Many shopping website uses a thrid party protection, this is to encrpyt the credit card informations you provide at check out. This is also something to look out for when making purchases online, without this thrid party protection, your credit card informations will be obtained by hackers and used without you knowing.

Our privacy has been decreasing with the advancment of technology, but it’s not always a bad thing. Notice how the entire United States uses the same emergency call number, but they are still able to locate you to your local police call station. This is done through the use data, your data informtations let the system know your current location and where to send your call to. Espically during this panademic, the use of location tracking has only increased our safety. My personal experience; I live in Virginia but visit Maryland frequently. I notice a notification has always popped up on my phone from Maryland government asking to track my location to prevent spread of the disease, as someone coming from more dangerous areas can have a higher chance of being a carrier.

As technology advances, more and more people are relying on mobile uses. However, we are leaving out people and pushing them away espically the older generations. Unlike the younger generation who grew with technology, older generation spent their entire life without technology and it can be harder for them to accept it. The panadmic location tracking that I previously mentioned, they are ignoring the older generations, who are more likely to catch this virus. Conclusions made from simply the use of these data are also bias, like mentioned in the article about international calls. We are ignoring that people they call “rich” might consit a small population of working class that does international business. Not all calls made during that time frame are holiday greetings, it can also be a business call.

In conclusion, the collection of data can be viewed as both a good thing and a bad thing. Datas can be used in many ways, and what is needed is an international organization to overlook where these datas are going to increase the secuirty of these datas. At the end, the world has not been fully converted into a technological world where just the use of datas can define a person.